
Coconut water as Herbal Medicine

Coconut Water
Coconut water has a tremendous nutritional value, Young coconut water not only can be consumed as a beverage but also can be used as herbal medicine. Coconut water has many nutrients. Not only the macro elements, but also micro elements. Macro elements contained in coconut water is the carbon and nitrogen.
Carbon in the form of simple carbohydrates coconut water such as glucose, sucrose, fructose, sorbitol, inositol, and others. Nitrogen in the form of the protein, composed of amino acids, such as opy, arginine, alanine, cystine, and serine. As an illustration, the amino acid of coconut water is higher than amino acids in dairy cows.
Besides carbohydrates and protein, coconut water also contains a micro-mineral elements needed by the body. Minerals: including potassium (K), Natrium (Na), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), ferum (Fe), cuprum (Cu), phosphorus (P), and sulfur (S) and much more

Coconut water as herbal medicine
Itching and eczema
Provide a handful of rice. Soak in a young coconut water is still in the shell for 5-7 hours until the rice was sour. After that grind to a fine pulp (flour). Then apply the material in the affected parts of the body itching, eczema, cuts, or broken foot. Do it every day for 3-4 days.
Scarlet fever
drink green coconut water mixed with lemon water regularly.
Intestinal worms in children
Give young coconut water was given a little lemon juice to the child that is misbehaving worms.
Dysentery patient will usually feel tired in the legs, high fever, and bloody mucoid stools, frequent bowel movements, dark colored urine. To clear up the urine, drink green coconut water. When urine is normal, stop drinking the coconut water.

Coconut Water for Beauty
Eliminating acne
Prepare one glass of coconut water mixed with 25 grams of turmeric paste, leave overnight. The next day, add to the mixture is three teaspoons of red sandalwood powder. Stir until evenly distributed. Save for three days. After that, strain the mixture using gauze. Save the juice in a bottle. Spread mixture on facial acne, twice a day until the acne disappeared.
Preventing wrinkles on the face
To avoid wrinkles in the face who came early, wash your face with coconut water, as often as you like.
Increase sexual desire
Mix the coconut water with a little honey, then drink. This herb can stimulate the body's sexual centers.
Improve your voice quality
Drinking water young coconut which has been condensed for one night

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